Why join us?
At the Boys' Brigade 50th Company, you will learn to be leaders for a brighter tomorrow. Above all, your years in GESS will be filled with laughter and friendships that never end. You will be part of our family, always sure and steadfast!
Hear from them

Garrick Tay
Company Sergeant Major (2013-2014)
Company Primer
"The 50th Company Boys' Brigade is not just another uniform group, but a band of brothers joining together, marching onward together. We've gone through both good and tough times together as a company. Despite the challenges, we have soared to greater heights."
Bryan Au Ying Kit
Company Sergeant Major (2014-2015)
Company Primer
"Whether we were cooking hotdogs in the field or cleaning the BB room, playing laser tag or drafting parade orders, receiving our ranks or doing push-ups, we did all of those together and that was what made my BB journey a memorable one. Indeed, it was unity in our diversity that made the 50th BB Company one of my favourite communities."

Kevin Soon
Company Sergeant Major (2015-2016)
Company Primer (2017-2020)
Company Officer (2020-present)
"Looking back, the fun part didn't always come in the activities; it also came from being in the company of close friends. It is this bond that makes Boys' Brigade more than just a CCA."
Leslie De Souza
Company Sergeant Major (2018-2019)
Second-in-commandĀ of Friends of 50th (2020-present)
"To be honest, the BB life I’ve had so far is an unforgettable one-of-a-kind experience that I will treasure for years to come."